主演:Joey Yusuf Rasdien David Kau David
简介:Blitz Patrollie chronicles the adventures of Rummy Augustine (Joey Rasdien) and his partner, Ace Dikolobe (David Kau), police officers who have had the misfortune of being stationed in a little known depot in the belly of the Johannesburg CBD. Rummy is bogged down with trying to start a family and an overbearing mother-in-law who just won't move out. The overzealous Ace, on the other hand, can think of nothing better to do in the morning than to put on his lucky bulletproof vest and head out to kick some bad guy ass. Whilst in a poor white neighborhood, trying to solve yet another small-time crime, Rummy and Ace, along with their inept sniper colleagues, accidentally stumble upon a massive drug haul. What ensues is a series of mishaps as the duo encounter some of the city's craftiest crooks in a race against time to catch the bad guys and claim their place in crime fighting glory.
主演:纳维德·内加班 David Diaan Viss Elliot Saf
简介:Yitzhak runs the turkey farm his father built with his own two hands after they emigrated from Iran to Israel. When his son Moti turns thirteen, Yitzhak teaches him the trade, hoping that he will continue the proud family tradition. But Moti doesn't like working in the turkey barn; his passion is fixing up junkyard cars and bringing them back to life. Moti's mother Sarah tries to reconcile between the two, while his grandfather pushes Yitzhak to take a firm hand with his son. Yitzhak takes Moti's refusal to work in the turkey barn as a personal rejection. Though he loves his son dearly, he makes it his mission to impose the family farm on Moti. The arrival of Darius, the uncle from America, sets off a chain of events that will undermine the familial harmony. Soon enough Yitzhak will learn that his son is just as stubborn as he is. The conflict is inevitable. Written by Yuval Delshad
主演:Kristian Erik Kiehling 安雅·克瑙尔 达·范·汉
简介:大自然灾难场面惊心动魄地呈现;一部好莱坞式的德国灾难电影,过足眼瘾,刺激之外,这部电影还给观众留下什么呢? 全球的科学家都在努力研究开发新能源,资源丰富的海洋成了研究的首选;但是不遵循生态规律,贪得无厌,就会给地球带来巨大的灾难。 艾尔法气体公司在海底建立了开发新能源的基地;由罗伯特统一指挥,但贪图钱财,急功近利,采用爆炸的方法寻找新能源,不顾科学家的劝阻,谋杀了阻挠他的克里特,约翰想要查明克里特的死因,他与水文学家桑维亚闯入海底基地……罗伯特间谍身份暴露,引爆了所有的炸药,一场空前的海啸爆发……
主演:罗伯·詹姆斯-克里尔 苏兰·琼斯 皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 连姆·尼森 葆拉·
简介:Born under the Christmas Star, Noelle believes she has the gift to perform miracles, so when conniving developer McKerrod threatens her peaceful life she and her friends determine to use this gift to thwart his plans and save their village.
主演:Thor Kristjansson
简介:《盜亦有盜》的真實度+《猜火車》的風格,一部冰冷、殘酷、驚人視覺效果的北歐黑幫片,從第一分鐘開始就抓住了觀眾的心。 你能想像冰島式的黑幫電影嗎,若透過不變的黑幫電影元素:性、毒品、暴力等偷拐搶騙一應俱全等等,再添增冰島的蒼茫、絕望、荒涼感,呈現著冷調的曖昧迷人。 你也許會擁有一切,但若你無法停止擁有呢?黑色暴力電影《冰島黑風暴》獻上北國黑暗視角,有如《小教父》般的兄弟情誼,改編自真實案件的「銀行大盜」,節奏緊湊到令人無法喘息;究竟誰是連續殺人魔? 本片由原著《Svartur a leik》改編,並由冰島天團 Sigur Ros 獻出歌曲。 黑幫故事在冰島,不變的性、毒品、暴力,以及偷拐搶騙等元素一應俱全外,更多了一份專屬於冰島的蒼茫、荒涼與晦暗的曖昧。懵懂無知的年輕主角加入黑幫後,所要付出的代價是什麼? 片中對於性,一開始鋪陳不多,頂多Stebbi和女孩Dagny於前期若有似無的情挑,但在主角對於性的期待終於獲得滿足之後,隨即發生在其心境上的遽變,倒是值得琢磨一番:究竟是想強調Bruno的極惡,還是想表達當下有多少東西被撕裂了 撇開這些不談,Dagny的姣好身材,更是聚集視覺上的亮眼度及性的肢體美感。 整部電影有種正面的教化意味,以Bruno狂妄及大小、男女均不拘的背德形象來化身絕對的惡,而Stebbi就形同羔羊般迷失受控,藉此傳達「歹路不可行」。導演奧斯卡曾不諱言的說:「猜火車及盜亦有盜是我的靈感來源!」
导演:Ernst Johansen Lasse Nielsen
简介:You Are Not Alone (Danish Du er ikke alene) (1978) is a Danish coming-of-age film written by Lasse Nielsen and Bent Petersen, directed by Lasse Nielsen and Ernst Johansen and produced by Steen Herdel. Set in a Danish all-boys boarding school where one of the boys, Bo (Anders Agensø) develops a special relationship with the headmaster's young son Kim (Peter Bjerg). In the beginning of the film the headmaster is trying to get funding for a new gym for the school. The boarding school is likely a Christian one, as they have school prayer and the teachers keep referring to good Christian morals. This is a film not just about Bo, Kim, and their growing relationship, it is a true coming-of-age story. The filmmakers capture perfectly budding sexuality and inter-personal relationships, including the young women who work in the cafeteria a nasty gang of older teens. In another plot line, a troubled student is expelled for displaying pornographic posters, and some of the students decide to protest this by walking-out of classes, the boy is eventually allowed to return to school so that he may graduate. At the year-end graduation ceremony, the boys present to the entire school their families, a short film they have made all by themselves, based on the commandment Love thy neighbor. It also serves as the euphoric climax ending to this film. 你不孤独(丹麦语: Du er ikke alene) ( 1978 )这部丹麦未来派电影是由Lasse Nielsen和Bent Petersen编剧,由Lasse Nielsen 导演,由Steen Herdel担任制作人 故事设在丹麦的所有男生寄宿学校,其中一名男孩,Bo (Anders Agens oslash)与校长的儿子Kim (Peter Bjerg)培养出一种特殊的感情。在电影的一开始校长正试图为建立一个新的体操学校而筹集资金。这可能是一个基督教的学校,因为他们学校的老师为保持良好的基督教道德而每天作祈祷。这个电影讲述的不仅仅是柏,金,和他们日益增长的关系,它还是一个真正的未来的时代的故事。这部电影完美的捕捉了青少年的性萌发期和人际关系发展期,还描述了年轻妇女谁在食堂和一群肮脏的大龄青年。在另一项故事线,一个陷入困境的学生因为展示色情海报而被开除,还有一些学生步行出的班级而发起抗议游行,男孩最终获准返回学校,以便他能毕业。在今年年底毕业典礼,男孩代表整个学校和他们的家人发言,一部短片,他们已经尽一切本身的基础上,诫命“爱你的邻居” 。还以欣快高潮来结束这部影片。
主演:伊薇特·尼科尔·布朗 格雷格·西佩斯 Romi Dames 格蕾·德丽
举报热线:0991-3532125 涉未成年人举报电话:0991-3532125
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